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Enhancements and changes by version

What's new in version 8.4.0 (Aug 11, 2024)
Updates per new NFHS rules

TournamentSR bout cards and MatchScorerSR now support 3 point takedowns and 5 point nearfalls. MatchScorerSR will allow you to select 2 point takedowns if your league still uses them.

Wrestler counts appear contestant windows

The Contestants by Team and Contestants by Bracket windows now display the total number of wrestlers for the selected Team or Bracket.

Sort the entire bracket list

The Bracket list window now includes a [Sort...] button which allows you to reorder all brackets by their title. Sort options provided are numreric, alphabetic, and by a user-defined list.

Split very large brackets into smaller pools

If you have more than 16 wrestlers in a bracket, you can now split it into pools. The only limitation is the resulting pools cannot feed into a Pool Finals bracket.

Improved support programs

MatchScorerSR and RegistrationSR work more reliably on Chromebooks running Linux. Communications error messages have been improved to better describe the problem. IMPORTANT: When using MatchScorerSR on a Chromebook with a second monitor, the "Penguin" window must be placed on the second monitor before running the program.

Ensured '(' and ')' aren't in names and abbreviations

TournamentSR and its support programs use parenthesis characters to surround team names. If these characters appear in contestant or team names, problems can occur. This version prevents such characters from being entered manually or getting imported.

What's new in version 8.3.0 (Nov 26, 2023)
Updates per new NFHS weight classes and rules

When creating a new tournament, the default for minimum rest time is now 30 minutes (instead of 45). We've added support for easy creation of any of the six new NFHS weight class options (14/13/12 weights for boys/girls).

Improved drag and drop support

You can now drag and drop wrestlers between any of the "Contestants by team", "Contestants by bracket", and "Seeding" windows. Prior versions only allowed drag and drop between Seeding windows.

Support for Double Forfeit

TournamentSR, MatchScorerSR, and BoutRunnerSR now support Double Foreit as the result of a match. In this case nobody advances and both wrestlers don't contribute to the team score.

Auto-select winner if 5 match limit reached

16 contestant double elimination ladders can result in a 6th match for wrestlers in the consolation finals. Prior to this version, the program provided an option to automatically tie such matches if one of the wrestlers had already competed 5 matches. You can now also choose to have the winner automatically assigned if one of the two wrestlers hasn't already competed in 5 matches.

What's new in version 8.2.1 (Oct 15, 2022)
Updated Tutorials

The tutorials on the Help page have been improved. They now include screen images and better instructions.

Improved window behavior on recent Macs

We fixed issues where sometimes a new window would appear behind an existing window. This only seems to occur on recent Mac computers.

Better behavior on low resolution displays

The program now reduces the spacing of controls when the display resolution is less than 1920 x 1080 pixels. This also works on scaled Mac displays. For scaled Windows computer displays, you may have to manually reduce the scaling closer to 100%.

What's new in version 8.2.0 (Mar 13, 2022)
Exclude bracket titles in "Constants by team" printouts

If you have bracket Divisions and Classifications, the titles can get very long. The print Contestants by team window now includes a control to exclude these titles from the printout.

Web server output improved

The pages generated by TournamentSR and viewed by spectators, coaches, and wrestlers now automatically refresh. The content is now compliant with the latest HTML standards.

Must be used for uploading results

We've reworked our website. Older versions of TournamentSR can't upload results to this new site. You must use this version of the program to upload results.

Price increased to $35

This is our first price increase in 12 years. The 120 day license now costs $35.

What's new in version 8.1.0 (Oct 28, 2020)
Move all wrestlers via [Start the Tournament]

Use [Start the Tournament] to move all wrestlers into their initial round matches. You are then asked to confirm you really want to start. As a result, this can be used even when you don't want to start immediately.

What's new in version 8.0.1 (Dec 5, 2019)
16 wrestler, skip consolation semifinals

If you specify "Minimum" for the bracket size, and "1st, 2nd, two 5ths and two 6ths", ladders with 9 to 16 wrestlers will skip the consolation semifinals. Previous versions required you to set the bracket size to "16" for this option.

Better mat assignment behavior

If you assign specific brackets to mats, the assignment will be retained when you change the bracket title. Previous versions would drop the assignment on the title change.

What's new in version 8.0.0 (Jun 3, 2018)
Print all Round Robin bout cards at once

All bout cards for Round Robin brackets without a minimum rest can now be printed as soon as the tournament starts. Check the "Create all cards for Round Robin brackets w/ no minimum rest" box on the window that appears via the "File"/"Ladder/Misc. preferences..." menu.

Major enhancements to MatchScorerSR

MatchScorerSR now includes support for running the bout clock. It supports "time to report", "period time", "blood time", and "riding time" (collegiate). When the laptop is connected to an external monitor, that becomes the clock and scoreboard facing the mat.

TableWorkerSR is now BoutRunnerSR

We have renamed TableWorkerSR to BoutRunnerSR to better indicate who uses that program.

All support programs have changed

We have reworked how the support programs communicate with TournamentSR. As a result, you must use version 8.0.0 of all support programs with v8.0.0 of TournamentSR.

What's new in version 7.2.0 (Jan 9, 2018)
Electronic bout card entry

Place a computer running MatchScorerSR at each mat and stop using printed bout cards. Workers can practice using MatchScorerSR days or weeks before the tournament.

Specify the referee with each result

TournamentSR, MatchScorerSR, and TableWorkerSR now support entering the referee name along with the match results.

Know which wrestlers have paid

Importing wrestlers from a preregistration file now allows specifying a column for paid information. This can be viewed and edited on TournamentSR's contestant windows and in RegistrationSR. Printed registration/weigh-in cards indicate "PAID" if the field is non-empty.

TableWorkerSR window and fonts are larger

TableWorkerSR has been reworked to use larger fonts and a larger window. This makes it easier to read and use on modern laptops.

Updated support for college rules

When creating a tournament from scratch, choosing college scoring automatically sets the minimum rest to 30 minutes. The technical fall with near fall scoring entry has been removed from bout cards. Terms have been updated to match the NCAA 2017-2019 rulebook.

What's new in version 7.1.0 (Oct 16, 2017)
Best 2 out of 3

You can configure brackets with 2 wrestlers to use best 2 out of 3 to determine the champion. Competing only 1 match for such brackets is still an option.

Number matches 1, 2, 3, ... at each mat

Use "location specific sequence numbers" so matches assigned to each mat can have numbers starting at 1 and increment by 1 for each subsequent match.

WiFi brackets can highlight team members

If you use WiFi at the tournament, parents and coaches can highlight all wrestlers from their team on ladders and called match lists. Coaches use this to quickly identify where they need to be for upcoming matches.

New badges and weigh-in cards

Badges now print 8 per page and are compatible with Avery 5390 inserts and badge holders. Weigh-in (registration) cards can be printed 2 per page or 8 per page. The 8 per page format is also compatible with Avery 5390 inserts.

What's new in version 7.0.0 (Jun 18, 2017)
Pool tournaments

You can now create "pool" brackets where the top placers automatically advance to elimination ladders that determine final placing.

Non-standard 16-wrestler brackets

Support for "Follow the leader" and "Semi-cross in consolations" has been added.

Set the round when each bracket starts

You can assign the starting round number to each bracket. This allows you to start some brackets after others.

Exhibition brackets

You can disable awarding some or all team points on a per-bracket basis. You can also populate brackets with wrestlers already eliminated from other brackets.

Improved HTML brackets

Brackets viewed in web browsers look correct - no matter which browser or device you use.

What's new in version 6.1.4 (Dec 20, 2016)
Fixed issue when assigning mats by bracket

When configuring locations (mats) for a session, you have the option of assigning mats by bracket. Previous versions would always assign the first mat - even when others were selected. This has been fixed.

Fixed swapping a wrestler with a pigtail match

On the seeding window, you can use drag and drop to replace a pigtail match with a single wrestler. Doing so in previous versions would cause a problem: the pigtail wasn't completely removed. This has been fixed.

What's new in version 6.1.3 (Dec 9, 2016)
Fixed bug when creating a new tournament

When you create a tournament from an existing file and save the new tournament, version 6.1.2 could corrupt the new file. It would fail to load the next time you used "File"/"Open..." This issue is fixed in 6.1.3.

Allowed clearing of bracket subtitles

Previous versions wouldn't allow you to clear bracket subtitles. This has been fixed in 6.1.3.

What's new in version 6.1.2 (Jan 9, 2016)
Weight classes when creating from scratch

When you create a tournament from scratch, we now have the correct the CA High School weights for girls and added the NY High School weights for boys.

Fixed college bout cards

The description on college bout cards for near fall points now indicates 2, 4 or 5 instead of 2, 3, or 4. This aligns with the latest NCAA rules.

What's new in version 6.1.1 (Oct 28, 2015)
Fixed brackets displayed on Android devices

Recent updates to Android broke the appearance of our bracket web pages. This version fixes the pages saved using the "File"/"Export results in HTML" menu and made available via the "File"/"Start web server" menu. The pages look good on all devices and common web browsers (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE, Edge).

What's new in version 6.1.0 (Oct 9, 2015)
New ladder sizes/structures

Two different 32-wrestler/5 match limit ladders have been added. A 64-wrestler ladder has also been added. See the example brackets PDF for all possible options when double elimination is selected.

Improved Seeding window

The Seeding and Emergency bracket repair windows now include scroll bars for the first round matches list. The list automatically scrolls when dragging above and below the visible portion of the list.

Emergency bracket repair improvements

You can now change the bracket size and structure during emergency bracket repair. See the Reference Manual, section 4.10 for all of the new features.

What's new in version 6.0.0 (Mar 31, 2015)
Important changes document

This version changes the way several important features work. Please review Important changes in TournamentSR v6.0.0 for details.

Alpha-numeric match numbers improve emergency bracket repair

You can now configure bout numbers to be alpha-numeric. When this is set, Emergency Bracket Repair allows bracket sizes to grow and shrink to match the actual number of wrestlers. Numeric only bout numbers are still supported. The option is in the window activated by the "File"/"Ladder/Misc. preferences..." menu.

Automatically adjust placing points when there are too few wrestlers

You can now configure the program to automatically adjust down the placing point values if the number of actual wrestlers is less than the number of scored positions configured for the bracket. The option is available in the window activated by the "File"/"Team scoring preferences..." menu.

Edit the placing point values

We've added a placement points editor window so you can customize placement points to meet your needs. The window is activated by clicking the "Customize placement points" button in the Team scoring preferences window.

Updated support programs

Make sure you use the new versions of AnnouncerSR, TableWorkerSR, and RegistrationSR with TournamentSR v6.0.0. Older versions of these support programs will not work well.

What's new in version 5.1.0 (Jan 31, 2015)
Associate mats with brackets or match types

We've added a "Locations..." button to the session configuration window. When you click that button the resulting window allows you to assign mats to specific brackets or match types (championship or consolation).

Remove all no-shows in one click

The "View", "Contestants that haven't weighed in" window now supports "Remove All" when no wrestler is selected.

Install staging bracket wrestlers to ladders

The "View", "Staging brackets" window now includes a check box that places all wrestlers into their ladders during bracket creation/assignment. When this is checked you don't need to use the "Seeding" window.

Team scores window

We've added a "Team scores" button and window. You no longer need to use a browser print the team scores.

AnnouncerSR: movement via double clicks

You can now move matches from the unplaced list to suggested locations by double clicking. Double clicking a match in a location specific window moves it back to the unplaced list.

What's new in version 5.0.1 (Dec 4, 2014)
Show all contestants in Round-Robin brackets

The Ladder/Misc. preferences window now has a check box titled "Fill contestants in round-robin brackets". When this is checked, brackets using Round-Robin format show the contestants in all rounds.

Improved sorting of bracket titles

We have improved how bracket titles are sorted in the "Classification/Division preferences window, in the preregistration file import window, and in AnnouncerSR. If a classification, division, or name starts with a number (e.g. "120"), sorting is done by increasing number (e.g. "8" comes before "10").

New support program versions

We've updated RegistrationSR and AnnouncerSR to version 5.0.1. Make sure to use latest version of these programs.

What's new in version 5.0.0 (Nov 10, 2014)
Support for open tournaments

TournamentSR has been significantly enhanced to support open tournaments. You can now create brackets, teams, and wrestlers from a single preregistration file. You can enter wrestler's weigh-in weights and then automatically distribute them into brackets based on that information (Madison system).

Drag and drop to change weight

The seeding window has been enhanced so you can drag and drop a contestant from one window to another. This changes the wrestler's bracket and seeding (if needed).

RegistrationSR support program

We've added a new support program specifically for adding/changing wrestlers as they arrive at an open tournament. The program can also be used to enter the actual weight during and after weigh-ins.

Updated AnnouncerSR sort options

You can now sort the waiting for assignment list by bout number, bracket, or start time. This makes finding and assigning matches to specific mats easier than before.

What's new in version 4.2.0 (Apr 19, 2014)
Free trial now available

You can now download a demonstration version of TournamentSR. Create an account if you don't have one and then log in. The resulting page will include a link to the demo download page. The demo version works for 5 days. You are only allowed to get a demo version once per year.

Single page bout cards and more

Bout cards have been completely reworked in this version. You can now print 1 or 2 cards per page. When printing 1 card per page you have choices for small or large, with or without instructions, and with or without Up/Down/Neutral symbols.

Support for NCAA college rules

You can now create a tournament using NCAA weight classes and scoring rules. The bout card appearance changes when using college rules.

Improvements to TableWorkerSR

TableWorkerSR has been reworked to better follow the new bout card format. It's easier than ever to correctly enter the match results.

Team scores now include per-team finalist counts

The team scores available via WiFi and printouts now include a finalist count column.

What's new in version 4.1.0 (Feb 16, 2014)
Print finalist biography sheets

The Print menu now includes an option to print one biography sheet for each finalist. Wrestlers fill out and return such sheets for the announcer's use prior to and during the finals.

Works on lower resolution displays

The match entry area portion of the screen has been compacted. Mac systems with 768 pixel (vertical) resolution can now display everything even when 2 networks are connected and running.

Improved match end time checking

If the match end time is more than 2 hours different from the current time, TournamentSR asks you for confirmation. This helps prevent end time entry problems when you forget to change PM back to AM for matches that end very late in the morning.

Improvements to AnnouncerSR

AnnouncerSR has a new "View" menu which provides options for sizing and arranging each location-specific (i.e. mat) window. You can now size and arrange the mat windows very quickly.

What's new in version 4.0.3 (Jan 20, 2014)
Team scoring fixes

We fixed the problem where team scores didn't always appear in descending order. We also fixed a problem with team scores for incomplete rounds.

WiFi page counters

You can now see the number of total WiFi hits for the tournament. You can also see the number of hits since the web server feature was most recently turned on.

What's new in version 4.0.2 (Nov 22, 2013)
First purchased version

The About window now shows the purchaser's name and the program serial number.

What's new in version 4.0.1 (Sep 30, 2013)
Updated weigh-in sheets

Fixed a problem when printing rosters by team or by bracket for use as weigh in sheets. Wrestlers that haven't been placed in the ladder are now correctly marked as needing to weigh in.

What's new in version 4.0.0 (Aug 22, 2013)
Round Robin support

Round Robin brackets can now be used for between 3 and 6 wrestlers. Set the bracket "Size:" to "Minimum" and update the "Use Round Robin:" setting as needed.

Improved emergency bracket repair

When you have completed the bracket repair, TournamentSR now automatically restores the results of first round matches that didn't change.

Better double click support

Previous versions of the program didn't recognize double clicks on the name of the bracket winner and other placers on ladder displays. You can now double click on these names just as anywhere else in the ladder.

Improved Quick Start Guide

The Quick Start Guide has been reworked so that Hint and Expert paragraphs are immediately to the right of related discussions.

What's new in version 3.4.1 (Mar 5, 2013)
Pigtail end times now used for round 1 start times

Previous versions of the program didn't take pigtail match end times into account for round 1 match earliest start times. Pigtail match winners now have their minimum rest accounted for on their round 1 bout cards.

Improved ladder printouts and HTML

Some combinations of scoring places and bracket sizes caused overwriting of the placer list. These have been addressed.

Miscellaneous fixes

Testing of 3.4.0 uncovered some odd behavior when the True 2nd and 4th matches were requested, but could not be contested. These have been fixed in this version.

What's new in version 3.4.0 (Feb 27, 2013)
Support for True 2nd and True 4th

You can now configure each bracket to include True 2nd and True 4th place matches. These get populated only when needed.

Improved ladder printouts and HTML

The off ladder matches (e.g. 5th/6th, 7th/8th, True 2nd, and True 4th) are now always grouped at the bottom of printouts and displays.

Better looking web pages

The headings and tables available via WiFi and via HTML export now include background colors and improved fonts for easier reading.

What's new in version 3.3.1 (Feb 5, 2013)
Print weigh-in cards

You can now print weigh-in cards (two per page) using the new "Print", "Registration cards..." menu option.

Improved 'ladder for programs' printout

We have increased the championship ladder area on printouts created via "Print", "Ladders for", "programs". The championship ladder now extends closer to the right edge of the page.

What's new in version 3.3.0 (Feb 3, 2013)
Export WIAA compliant Placer and Team Score files

We have updated the export placers and team scores (WIAA format) feature so that it generates compliant HTML. We have received notification that files from this version of the program can be successfully submitted to the state tournament.

Import WIAA compliant Placer files

We have updated the "Import previous tournament placers" feature to read WIAA compliant placer files. It continues to read TournamentSR formatted files as well.

Better support for importing multiple placer files

New controls have been added to the "Import previous tournament placers" window. These controls allow you to easily interleave seeds from multiple placers files. This makes creation of post-district tournaments very easy as you don't need to enter team or contestant names. The seeding can be done manually or automatically.

What's new in version 3.2.0 (Jan 8, 2013)
Support for printers with multiple paper trays

If your printer supports multiple paper trays (e.g. Epson WorkForce 7010), you can now specify which tray to use for each type of printout. Use the "Default" tray if your printer only has one tray.

Configure the full ladder paper size

You can now specify the "Full ladders for programs" paper size on the Print Configuration window. This is helpful when printing award brackets on large format paper.

Full support for "Skipped" as a result

You can now enter "Skipped" as the score for any match. This causes no advancement and no bonus points to be awarded. Use this with a larger bracket to allow a 1st round loser to re-enter the tournament in the consolation ladder instead of using pigtail matches.

What's new in version 3.1.2 (Nov 22, 2012)
Internal updates only

We are in the process of adding a series of new features to the program. This version includes internal changes in preparation for upcoming features.

What's new in version 3.1.1 (Jul 31, 2012)
Contestant list fonts are remembered

When you change the font used on contestant list printouts the changes are remembered. You no longer have to change the font each time print a contestant list.

What's new in version 3.1.0 (Apr 1, 2012)
Placement matches can now tie

You can select "Tie" as the result for placing matches (e.g. 3rd/4th). The program automatically averages the two placing points and awards them to both contestants. This option is also available in TableWorkerSR.

Full support for BYEs must report

This version fixes previous problems when you checked "Byes must report" on the Ladder/Misc. preferences window. Bye can now be entered as the score when appropriate. This option is also available in TableWorkerSR.

Improved ladder displays and printouts

This version properly displays and prints consolation placing matches for small bracket sizes. Previous versions could sometimes cut off the results of these matches.

Include seed values on ladders

You can now include the seeding number on ladder displays and printouts. The seed (e.g. "#1" for the first seed) appears prior to the contestant name in the first round.

Web server on/off can be toggled from the File menu

The web server option under the File menu now toggles between on and off. This is helpful when the WiFi router stops working for any reason (e.g. power loss). Rather than reloading the tournament file, you can now just turn off the web server and turn it back on.

What's new in version 3.0.0 (Dec 31, 2011)
Rewritten Quick Start Guide

The Quick Start Guide has been completely rewritten to better walk you through using the program. Even experienced users should find the new guide informative.

Post your tournament on the Internet

This version supports uploading your tournament data to our server which then displays it for everyone to see. Upload can be done periodically and on-demand. Our server will accept uploads in the near future.

New single elimination ladder options

We now support a 3rd/4th place match for single elimination ladders. We have also added 4 new team scoring options for single elimination tournaments.

Include pigtail matches in HTML results

You can now include the pigtail matches at the bottom of the HTML results file.

Specify the reason why a contestant withdraws

You can now specify if a wrestler withdraws due to injury or forfeit. The program also enforces the NFHS rule which requires no team placing points be awarded to a wrestler that forfeits his/her final match.

What's new in version 2.6.0 (Oct 23, 2011)
Directly print result labels for award brackets

The program can now print result labels for award brackets without first exporting them. We support label template types 5366 and 5260 via the "Print", "Print result labels..." menu. Let us know if you need other label types supported.

New versions of AnnouncerSR and TableWorkerSR

The support programs have been updated with bug fixes and enhancements. TableWorkerSR now allows match score entry from the keyboard as well as the on-screen buttons.

What's new in version 2.5.0 (Aug 8, 2011)
Automatic save at the end of each round

The program now automatically saves a copy of your tournament data at the end of each round. You can turn this feature off through the "File", "Ladder/Misc. preferences..." menu.

Added "File", "New" menu option

You can now create a new tournament based on a previous tournament's file. You can also create a new tournament with the same settings for all brackets.

Display and print pigtail matches

You can now display and print a page that contains all the pigtail matches in the tournament.

What's new in version 2.4.0 (Mar 20, 2011)
Bracket changes after the tournament starts

You can now make "emergency" changes to a bracket after the tournament has started. You can add, remove, and reorder wrestlers in the bracket under repair.

Assign seeding values with a key combination

The contestant entry windows (by team and by bracket) have been enhanced to allow seed selection via the keyboard. When the contestant list has the "focus" you can change the "Seed:" value by holding down the ctrl key and pressing a digit (e.g. [ctrl]-[5] sets "Seed:" to 5, [ctrl]-[0] sets it to "No seed"). You then press [enter] to apply the change. This makes initial seeding assignment go very quickly.

Improved import of wrestlers from a file

If you attempt to import wrestlers for a team that already has some wrestlers, you will be presented with a warning. This helps prevent assigning the wrestlers to the wrong team.

What's new in version 2.3.0 (Mar 14, 2011)
Drag and drop support on the seeding window

You can now drag wrestler names into the first round matches list from the unplaced list. You can also use drag and drop to move wrestlers around in the first round matches list.

Rearrange seeding from the Contestants by team/bracket window

When you assign a requested seed that is already in use by another wrestler, the program automatically changes the other wrestler's seed to the next lower value.

Omit seeding information from printouts

You can now choose to leave out the seeding information in the contestant by bracket and contestant by team printouts.

What's new in version 2.2.2 (Feb 17, 2011)
Enhanced the ability to reprint contest cards

You can now specify an entire bracket and round number when printing selected (lost) contest cards.

Supported a per-bracket subtitle on printouts and web pages

You can now specify a subtitle that is different for each bracket. The subtitle appears every time the bracket is printed or displayed in a web browser. You can use this feature for per-bracket sponsors.

Added font control for the seeding window

You can now specify the font style and size used on the seeding window. Making the font bigger is useful when projecting the computer display at the seeding meeting.

More font support for ladder printouts

You can now specify a different font for the wrestler names, title line text, subtitle line text, and placers list. These are used whenever a bracket is printed.